Love, Complexity, and Growth
The capacity for meeting the complexities of life is love. The essential leadership practice that enables people to grow and flourish is love. And as a leader, you must find this love inside yourself first before you can lead effectively.
Love is the ground from which belonging and growth take form.
Guiding You to Self-LOVE
At one time in my life, I felt like an imposter. Like I didn’t belong. But when I could verbalize that feeling, I found that other brilliant people I greatly respected felt the same way. In sharing with others, we leaned into the space of our feeling of not-belongingness and found community. Something woke up inside me. I felt loved. I felt embraced. I knew I belonged. I could tap into the best version of myself with that love, the feeling of being seen. I became a BIGGER version of myself.
You can experience this too.
Finding a Sense of Belonging
It’s impossible to thrive if we don’t feel we belong. Only with loving connections with others can we begin to reach our goals. I make sure you feel seen so you can start to grow. You need to know you matter. It’s part of our evolutionary growth.
Practicing Love
We can’t fully love others until we can love ourselves. We need to be able to observe ourselves thoroughly and objectively to see how great we indeed are, just as we are.
Defining Purpose
Our purpose resides within us, waiting to be acknowledged. I help you wake up that part of you that’s always been there.
I always ask one thing when I get started: Will this service facilitate the space and opportunity for people to feel they belong and can grow? I partner with individuals, teams, and organizations through developmental coaching, team workshop facilitation, organizational development interventions, and DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging) consulting to explore and work together around self-LOVE, illuminating growth, and enabling belonging.
This simple assessment guides our work together and each of my services:
Enabling Belonging
I can see in you what really matters to you. It’s a soul recognition, and I embody the essence of sawubona – I see you deeply, and I listen. In this way, you know you matter to me. I strive to foster that sense of belonging in everyone I work with, guiding organizations to promote DEIB initiatives that support the emergence of inclusion and belonging for all.
Finding your purpose starts here. To find and express our place in the world, we must first find out who we are – we must discover ourselves and understand ourselves while we love ourselves. Work with me to discover and develop your authentic identity and purpose in the world.
Why Me?
What makes my practice different? I help individuals and organizations understand themselves better. I use a collaborative approach, so we’re constantly growing and discovering together. I lead with love, so I’m a model for everything I stand for
⦁ Addressing challenges that spark development and transformation
⦁ A focus on psychological safety, inclusion, and belonging
⦁ A commitment to discovering and empowering your highest and best self
⦁ Fostering a loving and supportive space for everyone to grow
Together, let’s begin a true transformation that is grounded in love and acceptance.
Reach out to me now to learn how my services can help.